Petrukhin Anatoly Afanasievich, Dr. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: Chief Scientific Officer of SEC NEVOD, professor of the department ¹ 7, chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NEVOD, head of the Leading Scientific School “Physics of cosmic rays muons”
Room: 47-215
Tel.: 788-56-99, ext. 9929
Fax: 324-87-80
E-mail: AAPetrukhin@mephi.ru
Amelchakov Mikhail Borisovish
Appointment: Leading electronic engineer
Room: 47B-201
Tel.: 788-56-99, ext. 9968
E-mail: MBAmelchakov@mephi.ru
Ampilogov Nikolay Vladimirovich
Appointment: Teaching assistant
Room: 47-202
Tel.: 788-56-99, ext. 9769, 8425
E-mail: NVAmpilogov@mephi.ru
Astapov Ivan Ivanovich
Appointment: Teaching assistant
Room: 47-205
Tel.: 788-56-99, ext. 8161, 8425
E-mail: IIAstapov@mephi.ru
Barbashina Natalia Sergeevna
Appointment: Director of the teaching laboratory, Teaching assistant, deputy chief finance officer of SEC NEVOD, secretary of the Scientific and Technical Council of SEC NEVOD
Room: 47-215
Tel.: 788-56-99, ext. 9040
E-mail: NSBarbashina@mephi.ru
Bogdanov Aleksey Georgievich, Cand. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: Leading programming engineer
Room: 47-203
Tel: 323-9260
E-mail: AGBogdanov@mephi.ru
Borog Vladimir Viktorovich, Dr. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: professor of the department ¹ 7, vice-dean of the of the faculty of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Leading researcher of SEC NEVOD
Room: 47-301
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9705
E-mail: VVBorog@mephi.ru
Gromushkin Dmitry Mikhailovich
Appointment: Engineer, Teaching assistant
Room: 47-203
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9613
E-mail: DMGromushkin@mephi.ru
Dmitrieva Anna Nikolaevna, Cand. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: docent, deputy chief on the training activity of SEC NEVOD
Room: 47-202
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9927
E-mail: ANDmitriyeva@mephi.ru
Dushkin Lev Igorevich
Appointment: postgraduate student, Engineer
Room: 47-212
Tel: (499)-323-90-40
E-mail: LIDushkin@mephi.ru
Zadeba Egor Aleksandrovich
Appointment: Engineer, Teaching assistant
Room: 47-205
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 8412
E-mail: EAZadeba@mephi.ru
Kindin Viktor Viktorovich
Appointment: Leading electronic engineer, trade union leader
Room: 47-213
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9646
E-mail: VVKindin@mephi.ru
Kokoulin Rostislav Pavlovich, Dr. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: Principal researcher, deputy director of SEC NEVOD
Room: 47-212
Tel: (499)-323-92-59
E-mail: RPKokoulin@mephi.ru
Kompaniets Konstantin Georgievich, Cand. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: Leading electronic engineer
Room: 47-213
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9261
E-mail: KGKompaniyets@mephi.ru
Mikhaylenko Andrey Sergeevich
Appointment: Engineer, postgraduate student
Room: 47-214
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 8279
E-mail: ASMikhajlenko@mephi.ru
Mishutina Yuliya Nikolaevna
Appointment: Engineer, assistant manager of SEC NEVOD
Room: 47-201
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9788
E-mail: YNMishutina@mephi.ru
Ovchinnikov Vyacheslav Vasilevich
Appointment: Leading production engineer
Room: 47-203
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9751
E-mail: VVOvchinnikov@mephi.ru
Khomyakov Vasiliy Aleksandrovich
Appointment: Teaching assistant of the department ¹ 30, Leading programming engineer of SEC NEVOD
Room: 47-205
Tel: (499)-323-92-61
E-mail: VAKhomyakov@mephi.ru
Khokhlov Semen Sergeevich
Appointment: Teaching assistant
Room: 47B-201
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9771
E-mail: SSKhokhlov@mephi.ru
Chepik Evgeniy Yakovlevich
Appointment: Principal production engineer
Room: 47-201
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 8106
E-mail: EYChepik@mephi.ru
Chernov Dmitriy Viktorovich
Appointment: Leading programming engineer, network engineer
Room: 47-203
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9259
E-mail: DVChernov@mephi.ru
Chernova Larisa Nickolaevna
Appointment: Leading Engineer, materially-responsible person
Room: 47-201
Tel: (499)-323-92-52
E-mail: LNChernova@mephi.ru
Shestakov Vladislav Viktorovich, Cand. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: docent of department ¹ 7, senior researcher of SEC NEVOD
Room: 47-201
Tel: (499)-323-92-61, (499)-323-90-19
E-mail: VVShestakov@mephi.ru
Shulzhenko Ivan Andreevich
Appointment: postgraduate student, Engineer
Room: 47-204à
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 8796
E-mail: IAShulzhenko@mephi.ru
Shutenko Viktor Viktorovich, Cand. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: Leading programming engineer
Room: 47-204à
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 8796
E-mail: VVShutenko@mephi.ru
Yakovleva Elena Ivanovna
Appointment: Teaching assistant
Room: 47-214
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9789
E-mail: EIYakovleva@mephi.ru
Yashin Igor Ivanovich, Dr. ph.-math. sci.
Appointment: Leading researcher, docent, deputy chief on the experimental complex of SEC NEVOD, vice-dean of the Higher School of Physics MEPhI-LPI RAS
Room: 47-202
Tel: 788-56-99, ext. 9252
E-mail: IIYashin@mephi.ru
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